Hundreds of children across India have been orphaned after their parents have succumbed to Covid-19 in the second wave. There are families who have lost the primary or sole bread-earning member, and in many cases, both.

Under such circumstances, after the basic needs like food and shelter are in place, one should aim to provide the children with basic education, an entitlement that is otherwise often put on the back burner.

It is the right of a child to be educated for a better world. Education For All (EFA) was founded by Prabha Khaitan Foundation to prioritise need above merit, with the belief that any child who wants to continue going to school has the right to do so, irrespective of caste, class and gender.

We request patrons to come forward and support children orphaned by the pandemic and who are facing economic challenges. The schools will be paid directly from the EFA fund.

Your generous contribution will help them continue their schooling till Class X. They will get a chance to attend a quality school that teaches and prepares them for a world of possibilities. Most importantly, the vulnerable children will feel cared for at a time when their birth caregivers are no more.

We believe that basic education can reverse the core problems India faces such as unemployment, crime, corruption and population explosion. Education gives hope that after completion it will enable one to afford basic needs and provide opportunities.

There is no better time to step forward and make a change. Be the reason a child smiles today and studies for a better tomorrow.

Thank You for your Support!If you know any such child who needs support please fill in the form and send it to us

*577 children from April 1-May 25, 2021, according to the Ministry of Women & Child Development